Installation & Configuration

The package can be installed using pip.

pip install openclean-metanome

The openclean-metanome package uses flowServ to run Metanome algorithms as serial workflows in openclean. flowServ supports two modes of execution: (1) using the Python sub-process package, and (2) using Docker.

Python Sub-Process

When running Metanome algorithms as Python sub-processes you need to have an installation of the Jave Runtime Environment (Version 8 or higher) on your local machine. You also need a local copy of the Metanome.jar wrapper. The file can be downloaded from Zenodo <>`_. The package also provides the option to download the file from within your Python scripts.

from import download_jar


The example will download the jar file into the default directory (defined via the METANOME_JARPATH environment variable). If the variable is not set, the users default cache folder is used. Note that the Metanome.jar is currently about 75 MB in size. Make sure that the environment variable METANOME_JARPATH contains a reference to the downloaded jar-file if you did not download the file into the default location.


If you have Docker installed on your machine you can run Metanome using the provided Docker container image. To do so, make sure that the environment variable METANOME_WORKER references the configuration file docker_worker.yaml that is included in the config folder of this repository.


The package currently supports two data profiling algorithms.


The HyFD algorithm (A Hybrid Approach to Functional Dependency Discovery) is a functional dependency discovery algorithm. Details about the algorithm can be found in:


Thorsten Papenbrock, Felix Naumann A Hybrid Approach to Functional Dependency Discovery ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ‘16)

For an example of how to use the algorithm in openclean have a look at the example notebook Run HyFD Algorithm - Example.


The HyUCC algorithm (A Hybrid Approach for Efficient Unique Column Combination Discovery) is a unique column combination discovery. Details about the algorithm can be found here.

For an example of how to use the algorithm in openclean have a look at the example notebook Run HyUCC Algorithm - Example.